video creation portfolio

Are You Beautiful?

Brand: Amino Collagen

After the age of 30, the skin’s collagen level reduces, resulting in a loss of elasticity and signs of ageing. Amino Collagen, wanted to highlight it’s product benefit in a non-scientific way, which would appeal to its consumer base. We decided to communicate with the audience at an emotional level through a vox pop video around the subject of beauty. The video establishes a stark contrast between how children and adults answer the same question ‘Are You Beautiful?’ to reveal to the audience that they can continue to feel beautiful with Amino Collagen, the leading beauty food.


Campaign VFX

Celebrity videos


User generated content and vox pops video creation – Consumer Speak

User generated content is an excellent measure of your brand love. Engaging with your consumers, involving them with your brand and getting their participation in return is a true measure of digital success. Investing in vox pops video production gives you a chance to have the voice of your consumers and their testimony for your brand, showcased to the world. The best user generated content elevates your brand perception among the potential audience. Over the years, BC Web Wise video production unit of the agency has won the trust of many leading clients by delivering excellent quality user generated content and vox pops videos at extremely competitive rates.

Looking for an agency to create videos of user generated content and vox pop videos?

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